How Much Does Couples Therapy Cost in Chicago?

Seeking support for your relationship is a courageous step. At The Center for Modern Relationships, we do our best to make reaching out for couples therapy as easy and comfortable as possible, because we understand how difficult it is to find a therapist who's a great fit for your needs.

One way we make this easy is by being transparent about the cost of couples therapy. For some, seeking couple therapy or marriage counseling feels overwhelming because the cost might seem out of reach. But we're here to break that down for you so you know exactly how much couples therapy could cost when working with us.

Throughout this post, we'll discuss how much couples therapy costs, provide information about using insurance benefits, and exactly what to expect from working with our team.

Understanding the cost of couples counseling in Chicago

While we can't speak for all couples therapists in Chicago and the surrounding area, you can expect an expert couples therapist to charge anywhere from $150 to $250 per session. These rates may vary depending on:

  • How many years they've been in practice

  • Location

  • Speciality (like sex therapy)

  • Level of education

The value of investing in couples therapy

Investing in couples therapy is one of the best decisions you can make for you and your family. When relationship issues arise, it can play a serious toll on your mental health, which will impact the strength of your relationship. Our work is in full support of helping you build a healthy relationship, improve communication skills, and developing deeper emotional intimacy so you both feel a sense of relationship satisfaction. There are several benefits to couples therapy, including:

Higher emotional connection

Working on your relationship will give each of you the opportunity to improve your emotional expression, so you can connect on a deeper, more intimate level.

Renewed sense of trust

Taking the time to invest in your relationship will help each of you trust each other again.

Fulfilling physical intimacy

Working on your relationship will make intimacy more connected, satisfying and overall more enjoyable.

The Center for Modern Relationships: Cost & value

At The Center for Modern Relationships, we believe the quality of your relationship determines the quality of your life. And investing in your relationship is one of the best things you can do for yourself, your partner, and your family.

Each provider at The Center for Modern Relationships accepts Blue Cross Blue Shield PPO plan, which can cover couples therapy sessions, depending on your insurance benefits. If we are not in your insurance network, our cost per session ranges from $150 to $195, which is reflective of our expertise as relationship and sex therapy experts.

At CMR, our clinicians are specially trained to work with a variety of relationship and sex issues. Meaning, we are truly experts in working with couples. We each continually seek advanced training to hone our clinical skills, while staying up to date with cutting edge research on the most effective forms of relationship counseling treatment.

If you're interested in working with one of expert couples therapists, click here to request an appointment.

FAQs about the couples counseling cost & more

  • There are several factors that determine which therapeutic treatment is most appropriate for each unique couple. Your therapist will determine the best route for treatment based on your relationship dynamics, goals for your relationship, and what kind of work you've already done to help with the problem.

    While our practice takes a collaborative and dynamic approach to couples therapy, we do have extensive training in The Gottman Method, emotionally focused therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, and sex therapy. Working with someone on our team means you will be treated based on what will work best for your unique relationship, as we do not take a cookie cutter approach to therapy.

  • The time spent in couples therapy does vary depending on several factors. We expect couples to be in therapy for at least 6 months, as that's how long it typically takes for people to start making consistent changes to help improve their relationship conflicts and stressors.

    If you're interested in more targeted and short term work, click here to read more about couples intensive program.

  • Depending on your insurance benefits, couples therapy can be a covered service under your plan. We always check our client's benefits before scheduling their first appointment so that there are no surprises down the road. Do note that each policy is unique, and may come with restrictions, like for Telehealth sessions, or may restrict treating some mental health conditions. Our practice is in-network with Blue Cross Blue Shield PPO plans. You can always reach out to our office if you'd like for us to contact your insurance company to check your benefits. We always encourage clients to do that on their own behalf as well.

    In addition to using your health insurance, you have the option of paying for sessions out of pocket. If that's something you're interested in doing, we accept all major credit cards, HSA, and FSA cards.

Investing in your relationship

Investing in your relationship is one of the best things you can do for yourselves. Marriage counseling and couples therapy are accessible, and we do our best to make sure you can get the care you need when you need it. Whether you're seeking online couples counseling or appointments in person, we're ready to help when you're ready to reach out.

If you'd like to schedule your free 30 minute consultation call with us, click here to complete our new appointment request form, someone from our team will be in touch shortly.


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