Couples therapy in chicago
Create a loving, supportive and fulfilling relationship.
We'll help you reconnect and build an unshakable foundation that lasts.
Do you miss the days when you couldn't get enough of each other? Do you spend more time on your phones than time together? Are you stuck in the same mind-numbing cycle of arguments and miscommunications?
Our therapists know how disorienting your world feels when you and your partner aren't on the same page. We know you want to communicate better, feel closer, and work towards a warm, trusting relationship, but you don't know how to get there.
Your relationship is like a fingerprint: it has unique stages and challenges at every step. Whether you're dating and committed, figuring out the next best steps, or have been together for decades, our expert couples therapists and premarital therapists in Chicago are here to help you navigate the big (and little) things that life throws your way.
We can help with:
Conflict management
Stress &
Rebuilding Intimacy
consensual non-monogomy
Transition to Parenthood
stagnant relationships
The Benefits of Couples Therapy:
We miss the early days when our love was enough to bounce back from fights. Now we can't agree on anything and stay stuck in the same unhealthy cycle. We're stumped about why we can't seem to get on the same page even though we're deeply committed to each other. We feel disconnected, resentful, and misunderstood.
Now we are close confidants and trust that we have the best intentions for each other (truly!). We catch ourselves when things get heated and easily course correct towards better communication. We have the skills to communicate respectfully and compassionately about our different wants and needs. Our love feels deep and satisfying.
We feel a gnawing sense of disconnect and distance in our relationship. We spend more time scrolling on our phones than actually talking to each other. We avoid being in the same room or having deep conversations. We feel empty, frustrated, and lonely.
We openly express our love, appreciation, hopes, and fears, knowing they will be held and seen by each other. We prioritize playfulness, fun, and affection when connection naturally wanes due to day-to-day stress. We have the tools to strengthen our bond and deepen our love for years to come. We feel close and emotionally connected again.
Our relationship has been shaken by a boundary violation, betrayal, or infidelity. We feel devastated, embarrassed, and confused by this deep wound to our connection. We are afraid to talk about the betrayal without help because the feelings are so big. We aren't sure how our relationship can be repaired, but we want to understand how we got here and where to go next.
We are taking tangible steps toward rebuilding trust and honesty. We're clear on our relationship agreements and feel confident in how to navigate different needs. We understand how our relationship became vulnerable to betrayal. Now we're better communicators, more open with each other, and feel more confident in our path ahead.
How it works:
We deeply understand how daunting it feels to start this process. Whether you've tried couples therapy in the past, or this is your first time opening up to a professional, rest assured, we're uniquely trained to handle challenging topics with sensitivity, compassion, and safety.
We'll welcome your questions and explore what makes your relationship special. We will be right alongside you as you and your partner do the hard work to build a fulfilling, loving, courageous relationship. We know it's possible.
In our first meeting, we'll work to understand where you’re at in your relationship, and most importantly, where you want to be. We'll then meet individually with each of you to gather additional information to help us understand your personal histories.
Afterward, we'll reconvene to solidify your relationship goals, outline a path forward, and help you start taking steps toward a loving, connected relationship.
All relationship struggles are valid, and you deserve a relationship expert who can help you with your unique situation. We have an excellent list of referrals for specialties outside of our scope of practice.
we provide referrals for:
Separation / Divorce
Sexual / Physical Abuse
High Conflict Relationships
Relationship Ambiguity
Meet our Relationship Therapists
Start the couples counseling process today.
Schedule your free, 30 minute phone consultation with one of our relationship counselors.
Better sex starts with communication.
Download our free Sexual Communication Handbook to access over 200 questions to get you and your partner sharing, connecting, and exploring.